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Latest Update on 2024 WASSCE TimeTable

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) has released the timetable for the 2024 May/June SSCE examination in Nigeria. The WASSCE exams will commence on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, with foods and nutrition 3 (practical) planning session and home management 3 (practical) planning session.  This is according to their post on X formerly Twitter (@waecnigeria) Here is the the link to the Time Table (note: the link is to WAEC website) WAEC 2024 TIME TABLE

Coping with Stress and Anxiety: Strategies for Student Success

Stress and anxiety are familiar companions for students, often presenting themselves simultaneously and posing unique challenges to academic success and personal well-being. In this essay, we will explore why it's essential for students to cope effectively with stress and anxiety, examine the consequences of unmanaged stress and anxiety, and provide practical techniques tailored to the student experience. First and foremost, let's understand why coping with stress and anxiety is crucial for students. As students juggle academic demands, extracurricular activities, part-time jobs, and personal responsibilities, they often find themselves feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. The pressure to perform well academically, meet deadlines, and excel in various aspects of their lives can lead to heightened stress levels. Simultaneously, the uncertainty surrounding future outcomes, such as grades, career prospects, and social acceptance, can trigger feelings of anxiety and apprehension. Cop...

The Impact of Self-Confidence on Teenagers' Academic Success

Self-confidence plays a pivotal role in a teenager's academic success. It significantly influences their performance in school, the grades they achieve, and their overall learning experience. In this article, we'll delve into the relationship between self-confidence and academic achievement and explore strategies to enhance academic self-confidence among teenagers. How Self-Confidence Influences Academic Success: Motivation: Self-confident teenagers are more motivated to excel in their studies. They believe in their abilities and are willing to put in the effort required to succeed. They have a positive outlook on their academic goals, which fuels their motivation. Resilience: Self-confident students tend to be more resilient in the face of challenges and setbacks. They are better equipped to handle failures and bounce back from disappointments, which is crucial for long-term academic success. Participation: Confidence encourages active class participation. Students who beli...

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