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How to Set and Achieve Academic and Personal Success Goals

Goal-setting and achievement are critical components of academic and personal success. Goals provide us with focus, motivation, and a sense of purpose. However, setting objectives is not always easy, and achieving them can be even more difficult. In this post, we'll go over several critical actions to help you develop and achieve academic and personal goals. Establish your objectives. The first step in defining and attaining goals is to identify your objectives. Consider your long-term and short-term goals in both your academic and personal lives. Make sure your objectives are explicit and measurable. Instead of a general objective like "get better grades," pick a specific goal like "raise my GPA from 3.0 to 3.5 by the end of the semester." Make a plan. After you've set your objectives, it's time to devise a strategy to achieve them. Divide your goals into smaller, more doable actions and set a timetable for finishing each one. Make certain that your str

5 Key Steps to Navigating the College Application Process and Choosing the Right University

  For many secondary school students, navigating the college application process and selecting the correct college or university can be a daunting undertaking. With so many possibilities, determining which schools will be the best fit can be tough. You may, however, make informed judgements and locate a college or institution that suits your requirements and ambitions if you take the correct approach. In this post, we'll go over several important stages to assist you navigate the college application process and select the best institution or university for you. Determine your priorities and objectives. Before you begin your search for colleges and universities, consider what you want from your college experience. Take into account your academic interests, career objectives, and personal preferences, such as location and school size. Make a list of your priorities and use it to help you limit your options. Research potential schools Once you have a clear idea of what you're look


Synopsis The original opens with the words "I'm an invisible man" verbally expressed by a storyteller who will stay anonymous all through the book. The storyteller makes sense that he is undetectable essentially because nobody sees him. One night a white man with light hair and blue eyes chances upon the storyteller and calls him a hostile name. The storyteller jumps onto the man, requesting an expression of remorse. He beats the man almost to death, yet the man proceeds with his bigoted tirade, declining to apologize. The following morning, papers report that the man had been robbed. The storyteller shields his activities, saying that he's been undetectable for such a long time, he some of the time contemplates whether he exists by any means. To demonstrate that he's genuine, he should "knock individuals back." For some time, the storyteller had lived as a well-behaved resident, however, when he understood that society didn't esteem or value him, he

7 Tips for Simple and Effective Note-Taking

There are numerous ways of taking notes, however here are a few straightforward tips that you can follow to take compelling and coordinated notes: Use list items: Rather than writing in sections, use list items to sort out your thoughts. This will make it more straightforward for you to rapidly check your notes and find the data you really want. Use truncation: Use contractions for generally utilized words to save existence. For instance, "w/" rather than "with," "b/c" rather than "on the grounds that," or "data" rather than "data." Use headings: Use headings to isolate various points and make it more straightforward to find explicit data later. You can utilize various textual styles, sizes, or varieties to make your headings stick out. Be succinct: Record just the main focuses and thoughts. Abstain from duplicating everything in exactly the same words, as this can be tedious and can make it hard to survey your notes later. Us


 Mastercard Establishment Researchers Program at Kwame Nkrumah College of Science and Innovation (KNUST) is as of now tolerating applications for the 2023 scholarly year. This program gives thorough grants to gifted at this point financially impeded understudies from sub-Saharan Africa to seek after undergrad and postgraduate investigations at KNUST. The Mastercard Establishment Researchers Program was laid out determined to build admittance to quality schooling and guaranteeing that youngsters from monetarily impeded foundations have the valuable chance to arrive at their maximum capacity. The program has been exceptionally effective, giving grants to north of 30,000 understudies across Africa. The Mastercard Establishment Researchers Program at KNUST is a continuation of this inheritance. It is intended to help understudies who have shown scholarly greatness and can possibly make positive change in their networks. The program covers educational expenses, convenience, and everyday cos

Mastering Time Management: A High School Student's Guide to Scheduling Success

  Do you struggle to combine your homework, extracurricular activities, and personal time as a high school student? If this is the case, you are not alone. Many high school students struggle with time management, but with some basic scheduling tactics, you can make the most of your time and avoid stress. Here are some time management strategies for high school students: Make a schedule: Create a schedule that encompasses all of your priorities, such as schooling, extracurricular activities, family duties, and personal time, using a planner or digital calendar. Make careful to establish particular times for each activity and stick to them as much as possible. Prioritise your tasks: Determine which tasks are the most critical and prioritise them first. It will keep you from feeling overwhelmed and will keep you on track with your goals. Avoid multitasking: While it may be tempting to try to perform numerous things at once, focusing on one task at a time is usually more productive. This w

Honjo International Scholarship Foundation, Japan

Honjo International Scholarship Foundation is open to international applicant who studied in a Japanese School or plans to study in a Japanese graduate school for a doctoral or master’s degree. Applications can be submitted if the applicant has been accepted to a Japanese graduate school. All nationalities and research fields are welcome. Applicants may directly apply to the foundation without pre-selection by the university. Application Period:      Fall Scholarship: April 1– April 30 (2023)                                                Spring Scholarship: September 1 – October 31 (2023)                                                *The precise dates will be announced in the application guideline. The scholarship will be provided monthly throughout the minimum period required to acquire the degree. The amount of scholarship depends on differs based on the period as below:  ¥210,000 per month for 1 ~ 2 years degree  ¥190,000 per month for 3 years degree  ¥160,000 per month for 4 ~ 5


 ARTICLE WRITING Article is a form of writing on current or past events that are posted on a print publication or online publications. We write articles to influence the readers current thought on the topic or educate the reader on the topic. Rules behind a Good Article 1. Conduct a good research on the topic: Take your time to research on the topic Read peoples opinion to justify yours in order to understand the topic better. 2. Conduct a Questionnaire: conduct a questionnaire to close friends, relatives ore even strangers to get people ideas. this will give you thoughts examples that you can convince in your article.  3.  Make a Structure: Give your article a good structure. My advice is to write your ideas in a rough book, arrange them in order to importance before elaborating in your main article. Ensure that your introduction as a hook. 4. Be brief in your Article: Do not be verbose while writing make it short and simple.

FENCES BY AUGUST WILSON (Authorial Background, Plot Summary and Setting)

                            FENCES BY AUGUST WILSON  AUTHORIAL BACKGROUND August Wilson  (April 27, 1945 – October 2, 2005) was an American playwright. He has been referred to as the "theater's poet of Black America".He is best known for a series of ten plays, collectively called  The Pittsburgh Cycle , which chronicle the experiences and heritage of the African-American community in the 20th century. Plays in the series include,  Jitney ,  Fences ,   Jeo Turner's Come and Gone ,  T he Piano Lesson  ,Two of his plays received the Pulitzer Prize for Drama ( Fences  and  The Piano Lesson ), and won the Tony Award For Best Play ( Fences ). PLOT SUMMARY The play is divided  into two acts,  Fences  begins on a Friday night; payday for Bono and Troy; when the two friends engage in a weekly ritual of drink and conversation. As they talk, we learn that Troy has confronted their boss, Mr. Rand, about the fact that only whites are assigned to drive the trucks at their garbage c

Plot Summary, Setting and Authorial Background of Second Class Citizen By Buchi Emecheta

Second Class Citizen By Buchi Emecheta AUTHORIAL BACKGROUND   Florence Onyebuchi "Buchi" Emecheta     (21 July 1944 – 25 January 2017) was a Nigerian-born novelist, based in the UK from 1962,   who also wrote plays and an  autobiography , as well as works for children. She was the author of more than 20 books, including  Second Class Citizen  ,The Bride Price,  T he Slave Girl   and  The Joys of Motherhood. PLOT SUMMARY The novel opens in Lagos, Nigeria in the 1950s. Adah Ofili is eight years old and she wants to get an education, but most families only send their sons to school. She is so determined that she sneaks off to school one day, causing her mother to get into trouble with the police. She is caned by her father as a result, but her parents allow her to continue going to school. While this is occurring, a lawyer returns to Lagos from studying in the United Kingdom (U.K.). He is given a hero's welcome and Adah decides she would like to go to the U.K. someday as wel


SELF-ESTEEM Self-esteem enclosed beliefs about oneself as well as emotional states, such as despair, pride, and shame. Self-esteem is your opinion of yourself Some Factors that influence Self Esteem Gender Personality Life experience Health Social circumstances The reactions of others Comparing the self to others TYPES OF SELF ESTEEM HIGH SELF-ESTEEM High self-esteem means generally holding yourself in positive regard. This doesn't mean you love everything about yourself or think you are perfect. High self-esteem also helps you understand that everything isn't about you, enabling you to not take everything personally and not be overly reactive Characteristics of High Self Esteem ·         Self-respect. ·         They acknowledge compliments. ·         They're comfortable looking in the mirror. ·         Self-Love. ·         They focus on their strengths. ·         They never compare themselves to anyone.   LOW S

Writing Tips

  Writing is one of the fun thing i  do, because it makes me busy and pour out my feelings. My writing as i notice are always short maybe because i don't like reading for long or looking at a novel that is long makes me so angry that i want to cry, but writing or let me say doing things my way makes me happy.  Well i can give some tips: 👉  Read anything readable in order to improve your vocabulary 👉 Always keep learning because you never know when you need them 👉 Always write what you know and can defend properly in order to defend your writing  👉 When making research try not to copy all you see but understand what you read 👉 Your writing doesn't have to be perfect at first but with timely practice you will become perfect Writing can be hard sometimes because of laziness or overloaded, what i suggest is try to write at your leisure time and always give yourself good comments to keep you going.  Hope it helps!😎😎

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